When consulting with a psychic, make sure to walk away empowered instead of giving away your power
The Ethical Psychic – What I am about to describe is a very common experience. Let’s say a young man is having a tough time making a decision about a major issue in his life. He decides to get solid insight and advice that surpasses the capability of mainstream resources. Perhaps his relationship with his therapist or long-time role models seems a bit stale and limiting. So he decides to consult with a psychic.
The session starts off well. There are encouraging signs of true psychic ability. He is quite, pleasantly surprised that there no claims of curses, the need for spell removal or any get rich quick schemes. Specific advice is given from the psychic with an air of certainty. But once the session is over, he senses something is missing. Something is definitely wrong.
So what has happened? What is missing – or what has been lost – is this young man’s personal power. Ironically, many so-called psychics will encourage this. They will tell you exactly what you need to do, they will tell you what not to do, and they will give you solid predictions about the future. So what is wrong with this?
This kind of ”set in stone” advice or predictions implies that…
A person is incapable of caring for himself and resolving their own issues.
There are no other probabilities of what could take place in the future; that there is only one path, one fate in a given situation. That this person has no control over their future, their careers, their relationships they hold most dear.
In this day and age, most people that consult with a professional psychic are doing so because they are proactive “think outside the box” individuals. They are decision makers; leaders among their peers; they are doers who refuse to succumb to common cliché advice, textbook psychology or the latest greatest manufactured psychological condition or syndrome.
Getting told what they absolutely need to do; that they have no control over their future or any real personal power is not only untrue but contradictory to the purpose or spirit behind psychic consultations.
Vulnerable individuals may find this type of control approach appealing. But a good ethical psychic will not partake in this type of unethical control. Rather than taking away the power of their clients, a good psychic will empower their clients.
Indicators Of An Ethical Psychic
The future is not etched in stone. Most of the time, a person can influence their direction or their fate. A good psychic will tell you your options, the pros and cons, and the probabilities based on solid insights that exist now.
Rather than acting as an absolute authority, the psychic is merely someone who is helping you fill in the blanks so you can make better decisions, while encouraging you to be your own authority.
Rather than giving you one psychic prediction of the future after another, the ethical psychic gives you a sense of where the future is headed, and helps you see how you can influence the outcome.
Rather than insulting your intelligence and implying that you are just a victim of fate, this approach gives you more free will in your life.
Consulting with a professional psychic can be a uniquely positive, life-changing experience. When your life gets complex and you are at an overwhelming fork in the road, a good psychic will help you see which path will lead you to achieving the results that you want. Just make sure that when the session is over, you haven’t given away you own personal power but that you have created choices and optimism for your future.