LifeLeap Academy
Achieve Freedom, Growth, & Clarity
Helping Students Evolve Since 2003
Wherever you are in the world, learn to develop super-human abilities, break free from personal limitations, and spiritually manifest what you want

Hi, I'm Dale Sellers, Founder of LifeLeap Institute. I used the methods here to rise above my inner suffering, start spiritually attracting the things I wanted, and jumpstart my psychic and healing abilities. I went from having no spiritual awareness to doing psychic work for Police, Celebrities, and CEOs & working full time as a professional healer.
I'm 100% confident you can use this training to start achieving what you want in life.
Wherever you are in the world, LifeLeap Academy offers a step-by-step approach to creating a major life breakthrough - with your relationships, your finances, your health, spiritual advancement, every area of life.
Is LifeLeap Academy right for you?

Are you struggling: relationships, finances, physical health, family, or your career?
Are your psychic, spiritual, and healing abilities blocked?
Would you like to gain more mental and emotional control?
Are you tired of medicating yourself (alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals) just to be happy, or to sleep at night?
Do you not have a support group of people sharing your same purposes, interests, and goals?
Has psychological counseling or other methods of personal growth not working for you?
Is your life stagnant, mediocre or beyond your control?
Even if thing are OK for you, do you want to achieve more: metaphysically, wealth, helping others, your life potential?
Regardless of where you are on life's journey, LifeLeap Academy has many profound benefits to offer. This information is a result of years of international field studies - our team has decades of combined experience in personal, spiritual, and psychic development. The training within the Academy helps you to gain more personal control, a healthier life, and a greater experience of joy.
Why should you join LifeLeap Academy?
1. Powerful approach without the fluff
Get practical methods for releasing stored trauma, experiencing more peace in the present, and expanding your spiritual awareness/abilities.
For literally decades, I studied and trained with some of the greatest leaders in the fields of metaphysics and personal growth. I received my initial training at a former U.S. Intelligence Project set up to teach soldiers how to develop psychic abilities and recover from combat trauma. This allowed me to excel as a psychic and healer.
Dale hit the nail on the head. He is precise and accurate. I had an unsolved case in a sealed envelope.
Dale was able to pinpoint the crime and the suspects name. He has been correct with my personal readings.

I also mentored in-person under the late Linda Georgian, who helped bring holism into the mainstream. Linda was a psychic to 3 US Presidents, dozens of celebrities, and a best-selling author. Linda is just one of the many mentors that helped me put this training together for you.
For the last 20 years, my own team has research and tested what it takes to create real change, awareness, and superhuman abilities. The Academy exist to spread this life-changing knowledge to people who are ready for a transformation.
2. Community Support
We show you how to develop the life-changing mindset and spiritual power that's truly required to make your life easier and more fulfilling. And you don't have to do this alone: LifeLeap Academy includes ongoing coaching support from me personally and access to our private community of students, graduates, and teachers. We also offer live video classes with student joining in from across the world.
3. Dogma Free
Feel confident knowing This training program is not based on any single theological or philosophical path. This approach does not rely on gimmicks and wacky rituals where you have to wear robes, purchase expensive crystals, or walk on hot coals. Instead, we provide you with direct and effective tools that allow you to quickly achieve your personal goals without having to make any changes to your lifestyle.
4. Practical Skills
If you desire, with this training you can achieve astral projection, dream control, past life recall, and many more exciting abilities. But the true power of the program is the awareness and abilities you can develop and use in your day-to-day life.
This training is about helping you to create loving and lasting relationships, to give you a cutting-edge in high pressure environments such as business meetings, to help you radically improve your family life, to heal yourself and others of sickness, to be able to spiritually attract what you want in your life, and so much more.
5. Pulls From A Broad Range Of Sources
Through extensive research, our team has tested the most effective approaches - Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, principles for Quantum Physics, many Disciplines of Yoga, Metaphysical Disciplines, Hinduism, Ancient Jewish Mysticism, Western Psychology and Remote Viewing.
Through years of painstaking trial and error, we have sifted through what methods work and which methods will not work for you. By combining a variety of techniques from many different sources, we have a complete program full of powerful tools. Years of development allow us to provide you 'the best of the best.
6. Simple Techniques With Profound Effects
Using written lessons and training videos as a framework, the program offers the best metaphysical development and personal growth approaches available - using a variety of visual, mental, and spiritual exercises. These techniques were collected from the best sources of meditation, psychology, and metaphysics. You will not find this kind of powerful training on the internet or at your local bookstore.
Where These Techniques Come From
You will not find the methods in this training in your local bookstore or YouTube videos. And I didn't personally just 'make up' the techniques you'll learn. These are advanced approaches acquired though decades of research, methods that are proven to work.
For a lifetime, I personally studied and trained with some of the greatest leaders in the fields of metaphysics and personal growth. I sacrificed having a 'normal life' and instead, spent years in apprenticeships learning, absorbing, and applying specialized knowledge.

For over 15 years, I trained in-person at a former Military Intelligence Project, which had a program set up on five different US Air Force Bases and used over 2000 soldiers for controlled studies/training..
Although it was connected to the government, the project was centered on developing spiritual/psychic abilities and healing the effects of combat trauma. My mentor, who created the project, had been researching metaphysics since the early 1950s - before the 'New Age' even existed. He eventually modified this training to help average people (civilians like you and me) on a more practical level.
I've always been the skeptical type, but my mentor gained my trust through several incredible experiences such as instant healing on a visible injury I suffered from, along with ongoing accurate displays of psychic ability. I met many of his students over they years, including 'healed' terminally diagnosed cancer patients, political leaders, and several competent healers.
I studied under and worked with the late Linda Georgian, the founder of Psychic Friends Network. Linda was truly a world-renown healer, psychic, and visionary. You might have seen Linda on Larry King, Howard Stern, Bill Maher, CNN, Montel or Entertainment Tonight. Her clients were Three US Presidents, FBI agents, Ed McMahon, and many other Hollywood celebrities.
Linda was a published author with Simon and Shuster and has books in stores throughout the world on topics such as attracting the ideal mate, manifestation, working with guides, and connecting with loved ones who have passed.
At one point, Linda and I worked together so much, we were room-mates together in a condo at the famous 'Diplomat Beach Resort' in Hollywood Beach, Florida. Working and training with one the most famous psychics in the world for so many years was truly a blessing for me. Linda's teachings inspired much of the training in the LifeLeap Academy.
What You Will Learn
Control Over Your Emotions and Thinking

Your control over your emotions/thoughts will determine what kind of life you have - romantically, wealth, health, and happiness. Gain more inner peace and accomplish what you want with tools to manage out of control thinking and emotions. Instead of reacting to life, choose how you experience it. Get tools you can use throughout the day to remove the grips others have on you. Feel how you want regardless of what's happening. Learn how to use thought and emotion as powerful force to create change in your life.
Accurate Psychic Awareness

The potential for psychic awareness has been proven to exists, including studies by Princeton University and the CIA. Reach genius levels of functioning by learning to access/use a consciousness larger than the limited self. Use psychic ability safely and under your control. Psychically see what you need to about people, events, and look into the probable future. With psychic insights, make better decisions, make your life easier, less painful, and more exciting.
Rapid Manifestation Skills

You are already spiritually attracting/influencing people and events into your life. This is a fact validated by great achievers and credible universities. Take more control over this process. Learn intense methods designed to help you start attracting what you want. Get any blocks out of the way which are preventing manifestation. These powerful methods blow away any mainstream techniques like affirmations, vision boards, mantras, etc.
Upgrading Your Love Life

Whether you are single, happily married, or in a stagnant relationship, as you change inside, who you are in your love life changes. Learn how to finally start attracting the right types of people romantically into your life. Break and destructive patterns that exist in your current relationship. Learn to connect with other on a deeper level. Even if things are ok, learn strategies to make things even better, stretching far beyond a mediocre love life.
Wealth Creation

You can work hard your whole life, but you'll never reach success unless you also remove any mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks which prevent financial success. Learn how to identify hidden obstacles deep within you, and 'rewire' who you are when it comes to money. Many of our students have used these exact techniques to break lifelong limiting patterns, allowing them to finally start creating the wealth and personal freedom desired.
Higher Level Sexuality

Even many 'spiritual' people become primal humans in the bedroom, never experiencing a higher level of sexual experience. Learn methods for bringing a deeper awareness into sexual practices. Discover approaches to removing sexual trauma from the past and evolving beyond the limiting 'roles' that imprison most people during intimacy. Learn to use sexual energy as powerful spiritual force for manifesting what you want, developing rapid psychic abilities, and more.
Advanced Psychic Ability

It's not a requirement for being a student, but we offer detailed training for achieving higher level psychic abilities. Learn to astral project and travel in your soul body. Shift into other dimensions to connect with dead loved ones. Learn to psychically influence others around you. Learn to access past lives within yourself and others. Not only are these all exciting experiences, but the spiritual awareness you gain empowers every other aspect of your life.
Deeper Understanding

Are you a seeker or truth? No one can tell you what truth is using logic or thought, but we can show you methods which allow you experience reality on a deeper level. LifeLeap Academy is filled with awareness building techniques. These include workable methods for transcending beyond the ego and accessing the universal mind. It's in these experiences that so many questions can be answered.
Achieve inner healing without years of counseling, drugs, or giving your power to anyone
Unresolved trauma, lack of emotional control, a negative mindset: not only is this a mediocre way to experience life, these limitations block your spiritual awareness, prevent you from manifesting what you want, and invite sickness/disease into your life.
Of course, there are many 'feel-good' healing modalities which touch the surface of healing, but many people find these just don't go deep enough, or offer lasting results.
We offer a technique-based approach. These are mindset/spiritual growth techniques you learn and apply in your daily life as needed. This way, when faced with a challenge, you can take action immediately, rather than having to wait for that next healing class, counseling session, etc.
The tools are internal skills that you learn (like visualizations, focusing methods, etc.), rather than something externally like crystals, plant medicine/drugs, sound bowls, chakra tuning forks, etc.
I can't make solid promises for legal and ethical issues. But I will say many students swear this training gave them positive results with stubborn issues: severe depression, PTSD, sexual trauma, terminal cancer, addiction issues, and more.
Even if you are doing fairly well in life, you'll learn skills that will help you to reach that next level: in relationships, your career, fitness, and spiritual growth.
Spiritual And Psychic Abilities Are Real
When you truly heal on a core level, or achieve true control over your mindset, your awareness of a spiritual reality will accelerate rapidly. This is one reason why LifeLeap Academy emphasizes developing spiritual/psychic intelligence. This advanced reality has been proven to exist by some of the most credible sources, such as Princeton University, Duke University, the United States Army, and the University Of Arizona.
Scientific research has demonstrated that individuals can psychically sense information from thousands of miles away, accomplish physical healing of illness using metaphysical means, and influence physical objects even from great distances.
"As a physicist I'm comfortable for the first time saying that we've proven the existence of psychic abilities...the evidence has now been presented from research laboratories all over the world."
Russell Targ, Ph.D.,
Physics degree from Columbia University
Developed the CIA funded Stargate Project
Intelligence project focused on psychic ability
There is great power in true spiritual ability. It is possible to know what someone is feeling, even if that person is thousands of miles away. It is possible to psychically see your own future, so you can make changes if necessary. It is possible to attract a specific amount of money or a romantic partner with unique qualities, all by harnessing the powerful spiritual force that is available to everyone.
Many great achievers,CEOs, celebrities, world leaders, and humanitarians, credit their success to spiritual abilities. These are people such as Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, Demi Moore, and John Travolta, just to name a few.
"The sixth sense is the faculty which marks the difference between a genius and an ordinary individual."
Napoleon Hill
Author of Think And Grow Rich
* Sold over 100 Million Copies
Especially when faced with an issue, a crisis, or something new you want to accomplish, psychic ability is required to make great leaps.
Are you are comfortable with working a mediocre job, shallow romantic relationships, and just 'getting by' in life? If so, you may not really need to develop your psychic awareness.
But if you want to achieve great things, psychic ability is an absolute requirement. If you want to have a lasting and loving relationship that is extraordinary, you need a strong skill of psychic ability. If you want to have an impact in the world, you just can't accomplish this without having a strong sixth sense.
These are the very reasons we put great emphasis on psychic and spiritual abilities in the LifeLeap Academy.
Book-smarts, a High IQ, and reasoning will only you take you so far. You reach a point when you come to a brick wall, and you must use your sixth sense to make it to the other side. This is true with relationships, wealth, and creativity.
It's simple - To live a life full of excitement, creativity, accomplishment and compassion, a deep spiritual awareness is a requirement. So why would you deny yourself another single day, from personally using this ability in your own life?