Are you longing to be back with an ex lover?
Have you recently broken up with the person you love? Do you long to be back with them, in a loving relationship and moving forward together? Maybe it’s been weeks, months or more than a year since you have seen or spoken with them.
Maybe there is communication, but no matter what you say or how many times you speak, things just don’t seem to be moving forward again. You keep asking yourself over and over “How Can I Bring Back My Ex?”
Of course! – There are some “breakup situations” which you should probably walk away from, some situations where you should be moving on with your life. For example, if your romantic interest is happily married with someone else, it is likely time for you to move on with your life and find someone else you can be happy with.
But there are some situations which are worth fighting for – Maybe you and your romantic partner truly love each other but a disagreement occurred, and you found yourself separated and in limbo. Maybe your ex has an irrational fear of getting hurt and broke off the relationship unnecessarily.
As impossible as it may seen, even if you haven’t spoken with your ex in a month and you fear it’s over, even if it seems like it’s hopeless, there are concrete steps you can take to increase the odds of getting back your relationship. I can almost guarantee you aren’t aware of these steps, but if you stick with me here, you will learn them.
So…If you’ve encountered a breakup and you want to be back with the person you love, there are certain basic approaches which you will find in many personal growth books and articles on the internet:
Don’t call them and text them all the time – you are letting your ex know you are needy and this is unattractive to most people. It’s important to keep the line of communication open if you can, but too much can be a sign of desperation.
Don’t beg them to come back – this let’s your ex know you are weak and miserable, and most people aren’t attracted to people who are desperate. Focus on what you have in common and try to create some exciting and positive experiences together. Try to create situations where the love naturally falls back into place, if it’s truly there in the first place.
Don’t be a doormat – whether it’s putting up with them standing you up or letting them use you for sexual pleasure whenever they like, if you let people take advantage of you, they will lose respect for you. If they don’t respect you, it’s unlikely your relationship will be healthy and lasting.
Start off light – when you talk to or see your ex, avoid rushing into conversations about getting back together. Avoid expressing resentment for the hurtful things that took place before or right after the break-up. Focus solely on re-building the connection and chemistry between the two of you. Keep things light-hearted and even humorous. Create some happy conversations and experiences together. Then, when things warm up more, you can ease back into a deeper relationship.
Work on strengthening yourself – The worst thing you can do is sit around and focus on how bad things are and how bad you want to be back with your ex. Even if you have to force yourself and even if it feels fake, take some steps to improve your life. Do some things that you enjoy, exercise, hang out with friends, and learn how to meditate. The more confident and balanced you are, the more attractive you will be to your ex (and you’ll feel better).
Visualize the goal you want to achieve – instead of picturing in your mind the last painful time you saw your ex, or some other “failure moment,” you need to be visualizing positive things. See the two of you together again. Put your attention into the future on where you want to be.
All of the steps mentioned are important. But there is a step you won’t see in most personal growth or psychology articles about reconnecting with a lover. Ironically, this missing step is the most important step, the most radical action you can take to give your relationship a second, fighting chance.
Shockingly, a few years back, a series of significant events occurred and I found myself separated from my wife.
This was the most painful experience I’ve ever had since I’ve been alive. This was the woman I was planning on spending the rest of my life with – this was my soul mate.
If you could have seen the circumstance when it happened, you would have likely thought I didn’t have a chance of saving it. On the surface level, saving the relationship seemed hopeless.
Even my friends and family were encouraging me to move on with my life. But I Didn’t Give Up. And instead of wondering, hoping, wishing, and waiting, I TOOK ACTION.
The methods I am about to share with you are what allowed me to reconnect with my wife and save our relationship. I truly believe I owe my relationship to the detailed approach you are about to discover.
Psychic Connections – Everyone Has Them
To get started, let’s first look at the concept of psychic connections. Have you ever heard a similar real-life story:
“A brother and sister lived hundreds of miles apart, in different cities. One day, when the brother got into a bad car wreck, the sister sensed it. Maybe she had an intense feeling overwhelm her or had a vision of her brother. She called her brother and discovered that her sense was correct – he had been in a car wreck that day and was in the hospital.”
As crazy as it may sound, the psychic connection between two people is what allows these types of experiences to occur. Many people have had these experiences. Maybe you have or someone you know has had this type of thing happen?
Nicola Tesla is the inventor behind modern day electricity. When you plug your computer or smart phone into the wall for electricity, Tesla is largely responsible for making this happen. Tesla also made major inventions which influenced X-Rays, radar, radio, electric motors and more.
Several times when Tesla was interviewed, he shared how the day his mother died, he had a vision and knew she had passed. Tesla and his mother were in different cities with no communication, so a psychic connection is the only way Tesla was able to know his mother had died.
There are so many recorded experiences from all types of people describing this same type of experience. Mothers, Celebrities, Doctors, and US Presidents have all made claims of these things, and this is recorded as far back as 2000 years.

Nikola Tesla on the Cover of Time Magazine.
Have you ever had the following experience? You are sitting in a room at work or some other place. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, you feel a strong emotion. Maybe it’s depression or anger. Then you turn to look and see a coworker or someone else has just walked into the room and they have a depressing or angry look on their face. So, you were able to feel the emotion from this person before you even looked at them. I’m sure you can think back to a time when you experienced something like this.
Another thing that happens for many people is sensing the stare of someone else. For example, you are at a park or maybe sitting in a car at traffic. You feel something. It’s a sense. You are pulled to look in a certain specific direction. You don’t know why you have to look, you just do.
Then, as you look, you notice someone is staring at you. Of course, they look away quickly and act as if they weren’t staring (no one likes to be caught in the act). But they were staring, you felt it, and you looked in their exact direction. This sort of thing happens to people all the time. They just aren’t aware of what’s happening.
Ouch! – I Fell In A Parking Lot Because Of A Psychic Connection

I was stuck with pain at the same time of my friend’s car wreck!
One of the most intense experiences I’ve ever had happened many years ago. I had plans to meet a friend for a cup of coffee at a cafe. As I got out of my car in the parking lot and was walking to the cafe, a sudden pain hit me on the left side of my body. Ouch!
The pain was so sharp that I fell to my knee and dropped my briefcase. I could not figure out what was happening to me. In a few moments, the pain went away and I went inside the cafe to meet my friend.
So guess what happened! My friend was not in the cafe. I waited and waited, but he never showed for our appointment. After about 30 minutes, I called him and he answered. He told me that when coming to meet me, he was involved in a car accident. I asked him if he was okay. He said he was in pain from the impact. He told me the whole left side of his body was injured.
After some time, my friend recovered from the car crash and went on with his life. But, I learned something very important from the experience. At the same exact time of my friend’s car accident, I felt the same pain he felt in my own body. I felt the same pain in the exact location of my body that my friend felt as he was hit by another car.
This helped me see how important and intense connections between people can be. I’ve had so many experiences over the years which have validated this truth even more.
The Mind-Blowing Science Behind Psychic Connections
Over the last 50 years, science has started to come up with an explanation of the non-physical connections which people experience. Much research has been done in the field of Quantum Psychics, which is a science that explores the behavior of matter on a very small level (atoms, particles, etc). In the science of Quantum Physics, there is a principle which is referred to as the “Quantum Observer Effect.”
Without overburdening you with too much technical mumbo jumbo, an example of this Quantum Observer Effect is when you look at the table or wall in front of you. By merely observing the wall or table, you are influencing the particles of the table. So when you look at an object outside of your body, you are influencing the atoms of that object with your consciousness. This is solid science.

Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
So we are all communicating with and influencing physical matter and events outside of our bodies.
Surprisingly, the engineering department at Princeton University, which is one of the most credible and prestigious universities in the world, has even taken this a step further. After literally millions of experiments for over 30 years, they have proven the effect of what they call “remote influence.”
Remote influence is the ability of a person to be able to influence another object or person at a great distance.
So it’s a scientific fact: With your mind and emotions, you can instantly influence something or someone who is hundreds of miles away, even if this person cannot hear or see you. This doesn’t have anything to do with witchcraft or black magic. This is a natural human experience which happens for everyone. This has been validated by some of the top scientists in the world.
Scientists at Princeton believe “remote influence” is possible because there is a great universal intelligence which connects everyone. We are constantly communicating with, and being influenced by, this intelligence. Many scientists, especially physicists, refer to this intelligence as the Unified Field.
So we are all connected to, and a part of, a big energy field which exists everywhere. Although it may seem as we are all separate, we are actually all connected. Information such as emotions and thoughts are communicated through this “Unified Field” whether we realize it or not.
This energy field is what allows things such as psychic ability and remote healing to exist. In fact, everyone is psychic – some people just realize it and can focus and control it.
Remember, these are not concepts I’m making up. This is not some flaky new age philosophy or theory. This is a reality proven by hard science, including years of credible research done by people like Richard Juan, the Dean Of Engineering at Princeton University.
I can understand people boldly dismissing the legitimacy of some “magical spell” offered by some psychic gypsy. But is it smart to dismiss a solid reality shared by some of the top scientists in the world? Consider this as you are questioning what’s real and not real.
How Do Psychic Connections Work In Relationships

Whether you realize it or not, you share psychic connections with those who are close to you.
We tend to have psychic connections with people close to us in our lives. This includes family members, friends, and especially romantic partners. There is a psychic channel of communication shared with the people important to you, whether you realize it or not.
In the teachings of many metaphysical systems, it is known that if you have ever had sexual relations with another person, this greatly increases the psychic connection between you and that person.
In the example of my friend who was in the car wreck, he was a friend, not an intimate partner. If I could be so strongly affected by a psychic connection with a mere friend, imagine how strong a connection exists between two people who were intimate and/or romantically involved.
Through the psychic connections we share with others in our lives, information is being communicated on a regular basis. Emotions, thoughts, ideas and beliefs are being shared, regardless of the physical contact between two people who share a psychic connection.
According to scientists at Princeton University, emotions play a large part in what is communicated through “remote influence”
When a past or present lover thinks of you, they pick up on your emotions and thoughts. Although they probably don’t realize what is happening, they are able to “read” you even if you haven’t seen or talked to them in quite some time.
How Psychic Connections Are Probably Working Against You
Here is an example for you to consider:
Lisa’s boyfriend decided to break off their relationship 2 months ago. Although he loves her and is attracted to her, he felt the relationship was moving too quickly. He felt too much pressure and obligation about the relationship. Lisa wants to restart the relationship. She misses her boyfriend and believes there is no real reason they shouldn’t be together.

Regardless of how long it’s been since you’ve seen or talked to your ex, your emotions are being communicated through the psychic connection you share.
So Lisa calls her boyfriend, has a brief conversation, and he agrees to meet her for coffee. So they meet for coffee and Lisa immediately becomes overwhelmed with emotion: Grief, Hurt, Betrayal, Neediness, Anger, Depression, Heart-brokenness, Desperation, and Frustration. No matter what Lisa says, the emotion radiates from her voice and body language.
So, how do you think Lisa’s boyfriend would react to Lisa’s emotions? If he’s like most people, it would be a major turnoff. His emotional walls would come up and he would become distant and withdrawn. The mere thought of being back in the relationship with Lisa would probably disgust him.
Psychic Connections work much in the same way as a physical conversion. Even if you haven’t seen your ex for months, emotions are communicated through these psychic connections. Your ex is feeling your emotions through the psychic connection the two of you share.
Especially when they think about you, your ex will get instant feedback of what you are projecting. What they sense may happen on an unconscious level, but it has a huge impact.
So, if you are feeling Needy, Desperate, Hurt, Betrayal and other negative emotions, your ex senses this from you. These negative emotions are likely repelling your ex and contributing to them not wanting to be back together with you.
Especially if the physical communication with your ex has been stopped (seeing them, phone calls, etc), then the only communication they get from you is what emotions you project. Again, this has been proven scientifically through millions of experiments and many years of research.
So, for a moment, think about what emotions and thoughts you been feeling about your ex. What have you been projecting through the psychic connection the two of you share? Have you emotions and thoughts been helpful, or have they been destructive?
If you are longing to be with a past romantic partner, you are most likely doing what most people do. You are projecting all the wrong emotions. These emotions are actually pushing your partner further and further away.
Your ex feels your emotions through the psychic connection you share and they react by pulling back even more. The fact that you are pushing them away isn’t necessarily your fault and you shouldn’t blame yourself, but you are participating in this happening.
How To Use A Psychic Connection To Bring Back Your Lover
The reality: You are already using the psychic connection you have with your past lover. You are already influencing this person even if it’s been several months since you have seen or talked to them. So, if this is true, and if you truly want to increase your chances of reconnecting with a past lover, you might want to influence the situation in the best way you can.
You want to make the psychic connection work for you instead of against you.
The most import step to mastering psychic influence is getting absolute control over your emotions. When it comes to your past relationship, you want to avoid ever feeling and projecting any of the following emotions:
If you allow yourself to indulge in these emotions, they will be projected to your ex. They will push away the chances of the relationship repairing itself.
On top of your ex sensing these emotions from you through the psychic connection you share, you will also have the Law Of Attraction working against you.
If you aren’t familiar with the Law Of Attraction, it’s a formula for spiritually attracting what you want into your life. Great achievers such as Henry Ford, Matt Damon, Alexander Graham Bell, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey and Jim Carey have sworn their success is all a result of the Law Of Attraction.
Just like psychic communication, the Law Of Attraction is strongly influenced by what emotions you allow yourself to feel and project. If your emotions are negative for the most part, you will attract negative situations in your life.
So we covered what emotional states you want to avoid. In place of the negative emotions, you want to feel and project the following types of emotions:
Open to the outcome
I like you
Knowing everything will work out as it should
Excitement about the future
As you can imagine, when your ex senses these emotions through the psychic connection you share, the chances of your ex responding in a positive matter greatly increases. When they think about you, it will be a more positive experience.
Of course, that is what you want isn’t it?
These emotions you are projecting will help them to remember the good times spent with you and how things were before things made a turn for the worst. When they think of you, they will more likely start to feel the attraction they felt when the relationship was positive and working.
I can’t stress how critical it is for you to get complete control over your emotions.
If you truly do want to have the best chance of reconnecting with a past lover, getting control of what emotions you are experiencing and projecting is the most radical and important step you can take. In fact, if you have failed so far at reconnecting with an ex, it’s likely because you have projected the wrong emotions into the psychic connection the two of you share.
How To Take Control Over Your Emotions

If you take the right steps, you can get control over your emotions. You can use the psychic connection with your ex to your advantage – you can make a huge increase in the chances of reuniting with your past lover.
First of all, when we talk of controlling your emotions, we aren’t talking about turning you into some robot that walks around experiencing life in some over-controlled manner. Yes, it’s natural to react with joy to a beautiful sunset or to feel immense grief when a loved one dies. We don’t encourage trying to change or control these types of experiences which occur within you.
But to be stuck in a pattern of reacting with negative emotions to a romantic challenge is destructive and unproductive. Negative emotions are cancerous ingredients which will destroy a relationship or prevent a lost lover from coming back into your life. Emotions are the messages we send when communicating psychically to our relationship partners.
Emotions are also the requests we send to the Spiritual Universe, the prayers which will often determine what the Universe grants us or does not grant us.
This is why it’s so important to not let your emotions run wild, out of control.
There are a few methods of actually controlling emotions. Although you need to align your thinking to the relationship goal you want to achieve, positive affirmations usually won’t work at truly controlling your emotions. Neither will psychological counseling or pharmaceutical medications. You need to find a method that can change those deep down feelings on a permanent and consistent level.
On my own quest to get control over myself, I spent thousands of dollars and years of research exploring different personal growth systems. Most of what I found didn’t work.
Most of the popular personal growth systems are marketed to the masses, and simply don’t go deep enough. This is probably because they don’t want to really challenge people. When you challenge people, they often run away. And if people are running away, they aren’t buying your DVDs, coaching sessions, etc.
Psychological counseling doesn’t normally address getting control over your emotions, nor does pharmaceutical treatment. These approaches involve “talking about” your emotions or numbing them out with drugs, but not really replacing them.
The few methods I did find that work happen to be from a former Military Intelligence Project and a few other sources. The techniques involve exercises such as specific types of visualizations and mental exercises. The methods have been tested and proven to work with thousands of people.
Unlike a lot of other methods I tried over the years, I was finally able to achieve the control and peace of mind I had been struggling to achieve. These methods are all offered in our Life Mastery Program.
Using these methods, I was able to get absolute control over my emotions, my thinking and what I visualize. This allowed me to create great things in every area of my life, such as in my relationships, my finances, my health and my happiness.
In fact, when my wife and I were separated, I used the same exact methods in the Life Mastery Program to reunite with her and save the relationship. I truly believe the methods I used to control my emotions (and influence the situation in a positive, spiritual way) are what gave the relationship a fighting chance. If I had not used these techniques, I honestly think the relationship would have failed.
The Life Mastery Program is a complete training program offered here at LifeLeap Institute. We have students all over the world who have made profound changes in their lives, including many who have used to training to save their relationships and marriages.
On top of giving you step-by-step methods for attracting what you want in your life, such as bringing back your ex, we give you the methods to improve the relationship long-term.
It doesn’t make sense to go through all the trouble of getting your lover back if you are going to have a repeat of the breakup which occurred before. We give you concrete tools for working through disagreements, finding solutions for the issues, and so much more.
Wherever you are in the world, I encourage you to explore the training:
» Life Mastery Program – Proven Methods For Getting Back The Love, Happiness, & Spiritual Power Your Are Meant To Have »
Whether you sign up to our Life Mastery Program or use another approach, I encourage you to do something different, something powerful. If you want to bring back a past lover and you truly believe the two of you should be together again, take immediate steps to get control over your emotions. This is the most important step.
Can I give you a 100% guarantee that you can get back your ex? Of course not! There are many factors which may be out of your control. But if you apply what you have learned here, it will give you more of a fighting chance than ever before. It can guarantee that.
So don’t let a relationship that means so much to you just slip away. Don’t fall into the trap of being the “victim” who has no influence over the circumstances. Instead, acknowledge you do have power over what happens and you can influence the outcome, even if you have no physical contact or communication.
Rather than sitting helplessly, watching the situation get worse, do everything you can to get back the relationship you want. Be ethical about it, but fight for it!