Resistance To Change - 5 Powerful Steps To Break Through What Is Holding Your Back

Resistance to change does not have to be an ongoing theme in your life - with the right tools and mindset, you can start achieving the results you want in life!
Are you struggling to meet the financial goals that you have for yourself? Are you in a job that you don't enjoy or that you aren't passionate about? Is your relationship situation causing you more pain than pleasure?
Is your health or physical shape not at the level you would like? Is your self-awareness lacking the depth you think you could achieve?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, one of the factors that may be holding you back is a resistance to change. Most people resist altering their lives because they don't want to break out of their current comfort zone.
For example, an extreme case of this would be a woman that keeps making excuses not to leave an abusive relationship for years because she thinks it would be just too uncomfortable to be alone and away from her lover.
"A person's true level of commitment cannot be measured by what they say, only by what they achieve."
We all have some level of resistance to change in our lives. To not have any resistance would mean that you are perfect. Your resistance could be subtle such as occasionally waiting to the last minute to go to the gym to the point where you don't have time to go at all.
Maybe we do things like this sometimes because we really don't want to face a challenge even though it would be better for us to do so.
Maybe you have major resistance in your life. An example might be staying in constant indecision about what type of small business you want to start because in all actuality, despite what you tell yourself and others, you really don't want to quit your current job because you are comfortable working for someone else. For some people, maybe this level of resistance is tied into the fear of the unknown.
To Fight Resistance To Change, Begin Taking Action Today
Regardless of what level of resistance you have in your life or what issues the resistance relates to, there are immediate steps that you can take to start creating more of the life that you actually want.
Although your own resistance can be tough to identify without the help of a professional because it often occurs on a unconscious level, here are some ideas that I hope you will at least consider:
Start monitoring yourself more. It's a matter of being really honest with yourself. This is probably the biggest single step you could take. Self-dishonesty is one of the greatest self-defeating things you can do. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions throughout the day instead of just reacting blindly.
Look at the goals you committed yourself to in the past and compare them with what you actually have achieved. Without making any excuses, look into why the goals you haven't accomplished have not been reached.
Examine how you really feel about what you think you want to accomplish. For example, if having more money means that you would be more stressed because you would worry about losing it all, there is reason to resist greater financial success. If being in better shape would mean that you would have more people flirting with you, which may be uncomfortable for you, then there is an opening for resistance.
If necessary, start changing the way you perceive your goals in a more positive and productive manner. A great way to do this is to reframe your thinking by asking yourself the right questions: If I had a lot of money and I lost it all, why couldn't I just make it back - is that really a reason not to make it in the first place?
As you pay closer attention to yourself, without being too over analytical, and you see your patterns of resistance more clearly, do whatever it takes to blow threw them - go to the gym an hour earlier, see a career coach to help you determine what your career choice will be, go see a counselor about dealing with an abusive lover.
The most important thing to remember when facing resistance to change in your life is to take it easy on yourself. Everyone has issues - Don't beat yourself up as you become more aware of your inner workings. Give yourself credit for even considering what you might be resisting - The fact that you are looking at the issues is courageous and commendable.
Work on accepting yourself for who you are right now. Instead of suffering through the journey of personal development, enjoy yourself along the way.
The Institute's LifeLeap Academy has some powerful methods for breaking through resistance and achieving the life you would like to have: Personal Development Course