Psychic Awareness - Your Solution To Current Economic Challenges?

For many years, on top of providing services as a professional psychic, I have taught others how to develop their own psychic abilities - police officers, doctors, college students, business owners, among others.
I've noticed, while some people have had a desire for psychic development and personal growth, a smooth economy has allowed most people to "get by" without needing these types of skills for survival.
We are now at a time where this is changing.
Because of the current economic challenges, you will likely be faced with many new decisions that have to be made. You may have to change jobs or seek a new career altogether. You may be faced with starting a new business to create the income lost with your previous career choice.
Economic challenges are also the leading cause of stress in relationships – you will likely need an extra edge to keep your love life flowing smoothly and your relationships with friends and siblings strong. Fortunately, you do not have to go into these challenges empty handed. Psychic awareness and personal growth can be the solution.
"The only real valuable thing is intuition."
Albert Einstein - According to Time Magazine "Smartest Man in the Last Century"
Let's Talk About The Benefits Of Psychic Awareness
With true psychic perception, you gain the ability to sense the true motivations and feelings of other people, regardless of how they present themselves to you. You can only imagine how helpful this could be in a new job interview or in a meeting with a new potential business partner. By using psychic awareness, you can gauge what points need to be discussed, when to say them, what not to say, etc.
With psychic awareness, you also gain the ability to look at a situation and see where it's heading six months or a year from now – you can see the details before you make any commitments. You see what is motivating the key people involved in your important life situations. When faced with a problem, you gain the ability to psychically sense the best solutions, solutions that often can't be seen by just using intellectual reasoning.
Personally, as a professional psychic, I have literally saved my business clients millions of dollars by being able to see key factors like incomplete or shoddy contracts, incompetent financial or legal counsel and savvy, dishonest business partners. These clients stood to lose literally millions each. My psychic expertise saved them from financial tragedy.
Just to clarify, when I speak of psychic awareness, I'm not talking about something based on other people's body language, tone of voice, or your previous knowledge of a situation.
We are talking about a spiritual connection that goes beyond the limits of the physical universe. Because of this, psychic based information is as accurate about a circumstance a thousand miles away as it is about a situation/person in the same location as you are. I'm also not talking about anything that has to do with witchcraft, fairies or crystal balls. I'm talking about a natural innate human ability we all have access to, but most people never harness.
Now of course, most highly successful people already use psychic perception. They will often call it a gut feeling, hunch, psychic awareness, or a sense, but it's all the same thing.
"Often you have to rely on intuition."
Bill Gates Founder, Microsoft
In my Psychic Counseling service, when I get on the phone with someone who is a thousand miles away, without any previous knowledge, I have to be able to see what specific challenges the client is facing. I have to be able to see what the best route is for the client to take to get the results they want. I have to be able to do this without them telling me anything about their circumstances or the options they have to choose from. I'm able to do this because of my training and experience.
Because of the current economic challenges, which could escalate even more, you will likely be faced with the same dilemma. You will have to make decisions without having previous knowledge of the circumstances. Psychic perception will likely be the most critical, and maybe even the only survival skill you have in these types of situations. So you can see how important it is to develop this life-defining skill within yourself.
You May Be Asking, "How Does Personal Growth Fit Into All Of This?"
True psychic development is not about learning how to do something new, such as crystal gazing, reading auras, etc. True psychic development is about removing the obstacles that are preventing psychic awareness from naturally occurring in the first place. And of course, many of these obstacles are deep in the subconscious and require special training to clear them away.
When I say obstacles, I'm talking about limitations - limitations that come from emotional reactions, life-long beliefs, and the hidden effects of past trauma. There are also the limitations resulting from the controlling grips others have on us, and the other layers of programming we have picked up from parents, peers, the media, our educational institutions and the other sources of conditioning. I'm not saying everything we've learned from these sources is negative; it's just that much of it can be limiting at times, especially when it comes to psychic perception.
So, as you can imagine, as you peel these limiting layers off, not only do you get the benefits of psychic awareness, but you gain better control of your personal space, which is another critical skill.
If you are stressed about money or a relationship, walking around with a pit in your stomach all day is the worst thing you can do. That emotional reaction will tend to manifest more of the thing you are trying to avoid. With proper training, you can shift your emotions and thoughts to where they need to be, rather than reacting out of control as most people do.
For example, when you go into a new job interview, you need to emotionally radiate success, confidence, and achievement - not fear, neediness, and panic. A true approach to psychic development gives you the tools to do these things, along with opening up your connection to a greater spiritual intelligence.
Now Is The Time To Prepare, Not Later When It May Be Too Late
It's time to take the steps to harness your psychic and personal growth potential. If you knew you would likely have to build a house soon, would you want to go into that challenge without any tools? That would make it difficult if not impossible. Life is the same way. Challenges will occur - it's inevitable. You have a choice to go into them empty-handed or with the powerful tools that will give you a better fighting chance.
As far as psychic development and personal growth, you have a few legitimate options. You can get started by picking up some of the more common books on these subjects from your local bookstore (Tony Robbins, Laura Day, Wayne Dyer, etc). While books, ebooks, and dvds can be a great introduction, with psychic development and personal growth, I suggest that you work with a teacher on a personal level. There's an old saying "Trying to gain enlightenment by reading a book is the same as scratching an itch through your shoe."
I encourage you to explore the details of the Psychic Development Course that I developed and teach - it's a complete approach to personal growth and psychic development. While I teach some students in the North Florida Area, most of my students are correspondently throughout the world.
This is the same training I went through and that I credit by abilities to as a professional psychic. I was just an average person, and with this training, I was able to reach the point of providing services as a professional psychic to police, CEOs, and others, which I have been doing for many years now. My endorsements and the accomplishments in my life are proof this approach works. You can see all the details at Psychic Development Course
Regardless of what path you choose, I encourage you to take a solid step towards personal growth and psychic development. Do it as if your life depends on it. These skills could very well be the determining factor between your success and failure in your career, your relationships, and your personal happiness.