Breakthrough with Tony Robbins – If you haven’t noticed, there are so many “inspiring” shows these days on TV just waiting to eat up your attention – cop shows, adult cartoons, murder mysteries, gossip shows…even the nature and science channels seem to be going overboard with the drama. Well, in comes Tony Robbins with a breath of fresh air.
Mr. Robbins is the self help guru who’s been around for well over 20 years – a favorite of presidents, celebrities, business owners, and anyone wanting to make changes in life. He has his own show on NBC, Tuesday nights at 8, EST and Pacific times; 7, Central time.
In the show, Tony helps individuals and families deal with major challenges and reinvent their lives. As a viewer, there are lessons to be learned or at least to be remembered. Check out the show and let me know what you think. Here is a video trailer for the show: