Target Introduction

Apply To Be A Target Person

Applying and participating as a 'Target Person' is a free opportunity offered by LifeLeap Institute, the creators of the Psychic Project.

If you are selected, your role as 'Target Person' is to be a psychic target so that others may practice and test their psychic ability. Because many of the people that will be taking the test have developed psychic ability, you will surely gain some accurate and valuable psychic-based insight into your own life.

Not only that, being a 'Target Person' is fun, exciting, and is full of surprises!

The whole project was designed with simplicity and confidentiality in mind. As you will see, the only interaction between yourself and the other participants is the experience of psychic perception (otherwise known as remote viewing, intuition, clairvoyance, the sixth sense, and one of the many psychic abilities).

Learn more about the project: Psychic Project

Being A Target Person - How It Works

Those interested in practicing and testing their psychic ability start by arriving on our site and establishing a username. These participants then take an interactive test that is aimed at using psychic ability to gather information about an undisclosed target. Because you are the 'target person,' this is where you come in to the picture. The only information that these individuals will initially know about you is that you are one of the specific psychic targets. You will only be identified as Target 1, Target 2, etc. (nothing else).

Immediately after the participants submit their insights regarding you, they will be able to check your target information on a page located on our website. This information is provided by you previously using an application that you will see shortly. This way the participants can compare the similarities and differences between their submissions (entered using only psychic ability) and your target information.

Your confidentially is maintained through this whole process (no names, contact information, etc).

After you get the application filled out and submitted, and if we choose you to be a 'target person,' we will post your answers within the Psychic Project. We will then send you a private 'website link' so that you can go into the Psychic Project website when you want and view what the participants have psychically perceived about you.

Helpful Tip: If you have a computer microphone or if you're on a smartphone, you might be able to use a 'speech to text' feature. Simply click/tap into each from field of the application, and speak your answer. This should make competing your application much quicker.

What We Need From You

While this psychic experiment is fun and exciting, at the same time, this is real. You are being given this opportunity to receive free psychic insights in exchange for your utmost honesty.

We ask that you do your best to be as honest and as detailed as possible. On the application form, you don't need to write a book, but short paragraphs are much more appreciated than one-word answers on the target application. This will increase your chances of being accepted. By being detailed and specific, everyone participating in the project benefits more, including you.

Also, if you are selected as a target person, we ask that you participate with users in a special comment section of our website created just for you. You will get all the details of this if you are selected. You don't have to reveal further personal details about your life, but we do ask that you answer questions regularly and show support to the participants.

Important Note: While you will remain anonymous as a 'Target Person,' we require that you provide a headshot photograph so the Psychic Project participants can see you when they arrive on the results page (after they complete the exercise concerning you as a target). If you do not have a digital photograph (jpeg, gif, etc.) of yourself on your computer or smart phone right now, create one and then come back later to start this application.

Make sure to also send us a clear photograph of yourself (no sunglasses, etc.). Otherwise, we will not be able to accept you as a 'Target Person.'

The application will take you about 30 minutes to complete. So, make sure you have the time available before you start the process.

The 'Target Person' application form does have a new 'save draft' feature. This allows you to work on the application some, save your draft, log out of our website, and come back later to complete the form. Just don't take too long to complete the application after creating a draft. After a week or two, the Psychic Project might delete your draft to conserve space.