Are you facing a crisis with love, career, or another area of your life? Get a Psychic Counseling Session with me and get the answers, clarity, & guidance you need - I'm accurate or you don't pay!
Hello, I'm Dale Sellers, Founder of LifeLeap Institute.
It doesn't matter if it's with the romantic area of your life, your career, or your life goals. Wherever you are in the world, an Psychic Counseling session with me will give you the urgent help you need. Seriously!
It's about making your life easier, more successful, and happier. So, how is this possible? Well…
Using Intuitive Ability from my 25 years of training and experience, I give you answers, direction, and understanding, specifically about your life.

"Dale, again and again, not only is a dynamic speaker, but an amazingly accurate psychic. He is talented and compassionate. It is evident through his demonstrations, both private and public, that his source of perception is the higher power."

I'm able to focus into your life, without you telling me anything, and I'm able to see what's happening.
I'm also able to see what can be done to help you get the outcome you want. This may seem a little unbelievable, but I say this with total confidence.
See, I've worked with thousands of clients over the years – police, business owners, struggling single moms, you name it.
And with my help, I've seen so many people get the clarity, guidance, and peace they needed.

"Dale hit the nail on the head. He is precise and accurate."
"I had an unsolved case in a sealed envelope. Dale was able to pinpoint the crime and the suspects name. He has been correct with my personal readings."

Get the clarity & guidance you need
I get it. Life can be very painful. Maybe you are in a relationship with someone who just isn't meeting you half way. It hurts so much, but you can't decide if you should stay or leave. You need answers and you need them fast - so you can make a decision.
Or maybe you are committed to stay, but there is an overwhelming challenge that just won't go away. You've tried counselors, the advice of friends, everything – but the issue never seems to get better.
The pain from your romantic life is bleeding over into your career, your family relationships, and preventing you from accomplishing your life goals.
Maybe the romantic side of your life is OK, but you are suffering in your career. You dread going to work every day, but you don't know what to do next. Or maybe you have a business, and you just can't seem to fix the problems that are preventing you from getting ahead.
I help people with these types of things all the time
Using psychic ability, I will resolve the questions that are causing you confusion. Next, I will tell you exactly what steps to take so you can immediately start solving the issues.
I'm able to help you in this way because I've spent years developing my psychic abilities using specialized meditation methods. I've also developed my "psychic muscle" by working with thousands and thousands of clients over the years.
This puts me in unique situation where I can offer you better guidance than the best advice of your friends, family members, or counselors.
Recent reviews from verified clients
I questioned if my previous relationship
I asked about a previous relationship and he hit the mail right on the head and I was able to finally move on
"Research in human pattern recognition and decision-making suggest that there is a 'sixth sense' through which humans can detect and act on unique patterns without consciously and intentionally analyzing them."
Office Of Naval Research
from current study by US Navy
Arlington, Va, USA
Psychic Ability Explained
Who better to ask than the experts? The Advanced Scientific research conducted by Stanford University, Princeton University, the CIA, Duke University, and countless others offer solid proof that psychic abilities are real. There is no debate about it.
At the same time, movies and television give people distorted ideas about psychic ability. Our culture teaches us that psychic ability isn't real, that it's dangerous or evil, or that it can only be achieved by certain "gifted" individuals.
Many people believe psychic ability is some mystical force only accessible by tarot cards, crystal balls, or chicken bones.
But, surely you've had some of these experiences:
Thought of someone you haven't seen in a while and then saw or heard from them shortly afterwards?
When in conversations with others, finished their sentences with specific details that you could have not gained through your own reasoning?
Had the sensation of someone watching you and turned to find someone staring at you?
Experienced a unique event during the dream state and then later had it happen?
Had the sense that someone at a distant location was in danger, and later found out you were correct?
Intuition is what makes these types of experiences possible. It can be seen simply as a way of knowing or sensing the truth. But it's related to a deeper level of reality that goes far beyond the five senses.
Top scientists and spiritual leaders throughout the world agree a "universal intelligence" connects us to everything and to every moment in time. This is similar to how the computer works that you are using right now.
For someone who doesn't know anything about computers, it appears to be just another machine. But in all reality, most computers are tapped into a global intelligence (the internet) that makes an overwhelming degree of communication possible.
Psychic ability operates in much of the same way.

"The evidence for psychic ability is so strong, that one could not reasonably or statistically deny the evidence."
"As a physicist, I'm comfortable for the first time saying that we've proven the existence of psychic abilities, no longer studying it, investigating it, we don't have to apologize for ESP."
"The evidence has now been presented from research laboratories from all over the world, and it makes it clear that the phenomenon we're looking at is genuine."
Russell Targ, Ph.D.
Columbia University Degree
Management at Lockheed Martin
Developed the CIA Stargate Project
Although it's tricky to understand how it works, many great achievers, like CEOs, world leaders, and humanitarians, credit their success to psychic ability.
Whether it's called a hunch, a gut feeling, or a psychic insight, psychic awareness is often the key source behind the important decisions of these great minds
Many well known people have openly claimed to rely on psychic ability, from a professional or from within themselves: Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, William Shatner, Deepak Chopra, Brad Pitt and many more.

"I've been with Dale for years. Accurate and very precise. Has helped me with personal, professional, and business skills. He's recommended without hesitation."

My sessions use this power of psychic ability to help you get the results you want in your life. Again, this potential of psychic ability has been proven to exist and has been used by some of the most credible sources of information, such as Princeton University, the United States Army, and the United Nations.
At the same time, controlling psychic ability at will, for a specific purpose, repeatedly and accurately, requires specialized training and development.
Over 25 years of this type of training and experience allow me to provide this unique service.
Psychic Counseling explained
Psychic Counseling with me is a professional session designed to help you get through any critical issues you are facing. It's about helping you to create more clarity, love, and happiness. This service is about improving any area of your life - your relationships, career, health, finances, or your personal growth.
My Psychic Counseling Sessions are radically different from most other approaches to personal growth. I give you personalized psychic insights to help you create solutions for the challenges in your life. This is done without the trickery and flakiness that is often associated with most "psychic readings" such as:
Asking you trick questions and then giving you "psychic impressions" based on what your answers revealed.
Sharing "psychic insights" with you based on your body language or tone of voice.
Giving you general information that could apply to anyone such as "I see that you are having relationship issues."
Reading from a pre-written script as many "psychic network readers" are known to do.
Wasting your time by discussing shallow, unimportant issues, even if the psychic insights I give you are accurate.

"When I first spoke with Dale, I was very skeptical and was very careful not to give him any information about why I was calling. To my surprise, without any conversation from me, he tuned into my problem and was quick to help me understand it."
"I was going through a divorce and I thought my future was uncertain. Dale was 100% accurate in his reading and everything worked out great because I followed his advice."
"The money and time that I spent was well worth it. I have used other famous clairvoyants (such as Sylvia Brown) and Dale was a lot better. Anytime that I have an issue about the future or present, I call Dale. He is the best clairvoyant that I have ever used. Way to go!!!!!"

Psychic Counseling consists of a session in which I access helpful information about your life from the "psychic mind," rather than externally through the five basic senses.
Again, I have this ability because of specialized training and experience. By combining my psychic ability with my background in counseling, I'm able to offer you a complete approach to getting the results you want in your life.
I usually receive psychic insights in the form of visual images, feelings, and words. Because the "psychic mind" goes beyond the normal boundaries of time and space, the insights I share with you may be about the past, the present, or the future. Again, several credible sources, like Princeton University, have proven this feat to be possible.
Also, I may discuss events that have occurred or will occur at great distances from where you are located. Science has also proven this is possible.
About my training & experience
As a Psychic Counselor, I've assisted literally thousands of individuals, families, and corporations. I've accomplished this through my one-on-one sessions, classes, and speaking engagements.
I've helped people in all walks of life: business owners, doctors, psychologists, police officers, celebrities, homemakers, government officials, nurses, military officials, students, disabled people, CEOs, homemakers, artists, politicians, sales associates, millionaires, skeptics, scientists, just to name a few. Most of the people I've assisted are repeat clients.
I am a big believer that in order to help clients most effectively, a Psychic Counselor should have a strong background of real psychic development training.
Just as it's unsafe to get under the scalpel of a "self taught" doctor, it doesn't make sense to put any trust in an unqualified Psychic Counselor.
There is a great deal of responsibility that goes into sharing psychic insights with a client. Although many hotlines claim to be for entertainment purposes only, Psychics influence major decisions in people's lives every day - decisions that need be taken seriously and approached with the most respect.

"I had never met Dale before. During the session, he hit on so many specifics, most of which there is no way he could have known. Not only did I get helpful information to make my life better, the session demonstrated a higher level of reality that I never knew existed."
"It changed my perception forever. Because I was so inspired, I decided to take the LifeLeap Academy offered by the Institute - now I've improved my own abilities."

While I've provided psychic based services for many years, I've also worked in senior management positions of some of the bigger psychic counseling firms. I was often in charge of screening new applicants to determine if true psychic abilities existed.
While testing dozens of Psychics, I discovered the individuals that had the most impressive level of psychic accuracy had always received training from recognized psychic development schools/institutes. This factor always came out to be more important than the person's age, whether they were "born with the gift", or how many years of client experience they had acquired.
This confirmed the choices that I made many years ago about my own path. Rather than teaching myself from just books or taking classes in the back of a new-age shop, I choose to enroll in a trusted psychic development training institute - a former military intelligence project with the U.S. Air force. Their methods are an accumulation of thousands of case studies involving real people.
Since the 1950s, they researched and tested what works and what doesn't work in developing psychic ability. Through the years, they have trained many Psychics who have worked with projects associated with NASA, the United Nations, the US Military Branches, various law enforcement agencies, and many major corporations.

Celebrities, Police, ABC News, & Psychic Detective
I also studied under and worked with the late Linda Georgian, the founder of Psychic Friends Network. You might have seen Linda on Larry King, Bill Maher, CNN, Montel or Entertainment Tonight. Her clients were 3 US Presidents, FBI agents, Ed McMahon, and many other Hollywood celebrities.
At one point, Linda and I worked together so much, we were room-mates together in a condo on Hollywood Beach, Florida. Working and training with the most famous Psychic in the world for so many years was truly a blessing for me. Linda's teachings inspired much of the training in the Life Mastery Program.
Through the LifeLeap Academy, I've taught hundreds of people over the years how to develop their own psychic abilities. My students include police officers, doctors, business owners, attorneys, military officials, you name it. You can learn more about my training program by contacting me.

Linda Georgian with Dionne Warwick
Along with providing services as a professional psychic, I worked for years as a trained counselor in crisis centers, runaway shelters, and drug treatment facilities, helping people to deal with sexual abuse, addiction, low self-esteem, relationship issues, and taking life to the next level.
Although the services I offer now are strictly psychic based, my background as a counselor still plays an important role in the work that I do. Not only am I able to provide the psychic insights that a client needs, I'm able to help people make sense of what is discussed and see the deeper meanings of their circumstances.
"He has left many friends within this Agency and remains a valued member of our greater community."

As any other high-profile Psychic, I've done my share of murder cases, missing person cases, and crime scenes investigations. Throughout the years, I've worked with different law enforcement agencies, military personal, and private detective firms - and I've been successful as you can see in my endorsements.
Through all of these experiences, I discovered that my heart is really not in this type of work. Unfortunately, many of these situations are hopeless and I don't like being subjected to the personal dangers involved in this type of work.
Because I'm more passionate about it, I tend to be better these days at helping people with personal life challenges such as career issues, relationship challenges, and personal growth matters. I've also developed quite a knack in assisting business owners and corporations with the challenges that they face.
In the media world, I've been interviewed by the producers of the syndicated TV show "Psychic Detective." and ABC News. I also frequently get opportunities to appear on other TV and radio shows. I am listed as a leader in the Field of Intuition by Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, who personally invited me to his group at
On top of the qualifications that I've already mentioned, I've also received specialized training associated with Robbins Research International, Landmark Education, counseling psychology, and I've read thousands of books relating to human potential, metaphysics, quantum physics, philosophy, and business development.
All of my training and experience lead to one thing - I have what it takes to help you get the results you want, whether it's in relationships, career, health, or personal growth.
When to book a session with me
Do you need solutions now for any troubling issues in your life? Are you failing at solving these challenges with your personal reasoning? Is the best advice of your friends, family members, or counselors just not good enough?
These moments happen for everyone. It's during these times that we benefit the most from the guidance of a professional Psychic.
Consider a session with me when:
You are overwhelmed about any decisions that you have to make. You feel like you are trapped in a maze and you don't know what path to take.
You have major challenges in a personal or business relationship that need to be resolved - unresolved situations that are eating away at you.
You have concerns about the true feelings, actions, or motivations of the people in your life.
You have concerns about an event occurring in the near future. You would like to know what is likely to come at you around the next corner.
Your life has become stressed or stagnate and you know something significant needs to change.
Instead of life on a treadmill, you want to accomplish the things you have always dreamed for your life faster and easier.

"Dale keyed into the major changes going on in my life and business right now. He pointed out some potential problems I didn't realize and gave me solutions on which to focus."
"I was unaware of these potential problems and they very well could have cost me several thousand dollars. He went above and beyond what I expected from him and that is what made this consultation a sound investment."

What you gain from Psychic Counseling
Direction: When you're at a fork in the road, I use my psychic perception to help you determine what steps have to be taken to get you what you want. This often involves revealing new choices to you - options that you didn't know existed.
Discovery: I help you identify the actions in your life that are working and the ones that aren't. This allows you to avoid dead-end situations and instead, make the necessary changes to get the results you want.
Clarity: By using my psychic ability to "focus in" on others, I help you to discover the true feelings, actions, and motivations of important people in your life. This allows you to know what steps you must take involving these people. This is helpful especially in situations where you may be getting the short end of the stick.
Simplicity: Psychic Counseling is about saving you time and making your life easier by helping you avoid poor decisions that only make your life worse. You don't have to continually fall short of your goals. I help you discover the most direct path to what you would like to achieve.
Wisdom: With the psychic insights I receive, you see the bigger picture surrounding the situations you are facing. This gives you the understanding and sense of peace that we all deserve.

"Dale is truly in a class by himself. Not only was he able to zero in on what was bothering me, he got to the core of my problems without my telling him anything beforehand."
"Dale was able to give me more advice and guidance in 35 minutes than a myriad of counselors had over many years!"
"With Dale's insight and wisdom, I am able to face my future with optimism, strength and hope."

What to expect in an Psychic Counseling session
I begin each session by using my psychic perception to focus in on your life. I do this before you tell me anything about your circumstances. This gives you proof of my abilities.
As I psychically look at your life, I "pick up" the most important issues you are facing. I usually first identify the reason that you set the appointment.
After I tell you what I see, I use my psychic ability to reveal solutions for your challenges. When I am finished giving you my insights, you have the opportunity to ask additional questions.
I provide psychic insights about all the levels of your life - the physical, emotional, mental, and the spiritual. I don't give you general information that could apply to anyone. I use psychic ability to identify names, time-frames, and other specific details - insights that are unique to your life. Most of what I share will be new information for you.
You realize my abilities are accurate when I reveal facts about your life that I couldn't have known, except by using psychic ability. Because I identify details about your past and present correctly, any new information I share with you has credibility.

"After speaking with Dale I was amazed at how accurate and psychic he was."
"He is a compassionate man and motivated individual. I look forward to applying the exercises he has suggested in order to better myself."

What separates my sessions from the "Intuitive Readings" offered by others
Sometimes during a session, it's necessary to give psychic insights into future events. I receive numerous follow-up calls from clients validating my predictions weeks, months, and even years after the session.
But unlike most commercial Psychics or Intuitives, I don't discuss petty future predictions like lotto numbers or the color of your next car. While these predictions can be entertaining and quite a novelty, especially if they're accurate, how does this benefit you in the long-run? Instead of trying to entertain you, I focus on what steps you can take right now to empower yourself.
I don't believe the future is fixed - I believe it can be influenced. So instead of focusing on what's going to happen, I focus more on what you can do to create the future you want.
This puts you more in control of your life instead of just being a victim or an observer on the sidelines.
Psychic Counseling doesn't rely on any gimmicks like crystal balls, palm reading, tarot cards, channeled messages from aliens, or rocks with little drawings. And I won't tell you that someone cast a spell on you and that it needs to be removed (for a large fee)!
With my approach, I work directly with the part of our minds that are spiritually connected. My emphasis is on using this "universal link" to bring more empowerment into your life. Psychic Counseling is simply about helping you take your life to the next level.

"I was not sure what to expect. I was nervous and, truthfully, was afraid of being scammed. So many psychics I have seen on TV seem to have their heads in the clouds."
"By the way, the guarantee is real and there is no pressure involved. When I finally hung up after my reading, I felt better than I had in months. I have a clearer sense of direction and more insight into many issues I am facing in my life right now."

Get long-term psychic based solutions, not a short-term fix
Instead of shallow details, I focus on the core issues and the solutions to those issues. It's about getting more control over your life, breaking destructive patterns, and being more active in getting what you want.
For example, if you are dealing with a challenge in a relationship, I use psychic ability to see and discuss with you the different factors of your particular situation. Depending on the circumstances, I may look into the different people involved and their influence into your challenge, why the individuals involved are behaving as they are, how you may be participating in keeping the challenge present, and of course, what caused the situation to occur in the first place.
By helping you to see the deeper factors surrounding your situation, you are in a better place to understand what decisions that you need to make and what other steps that you need to take to get the outcome that you desire.
As I mentioned before, this is much better than just giving you a bunch of future predictions as if the circumstances are all in fate's hand. I can definitely get a psychic sense of where a situation is headed, but it's usually more empowering to you to understand how you can influence the outcome of what you are facing.
Whether it's with relationships, career issues, business situations, health issues, or personal growth challenges, understanding the who, what, when, where, why, and how of situation is important. My approach of addressing all of the factors involved, lessens your chance of being in the same frustrating situations a day, week, or month down the road. It prevents you from having to continually rely on others for direction and support.
"Dale's reading on my situation was truly impressive. He demonstrated the ability to focus in on my life without any prompting or giving him any context or background information."
"He enabled me to get a better grasp on my problem and a sense of perspective I didn't have prior to his reading. I now understand why he calls them healing. The experience gave me a real sense of comfort and new possibilities."