Hi, it's Dale with an important message. After several years of getting so many requests, the Psychic Counseling Training Program is now available to you.
This program is for individuals who intend to work professionally as a Psychic Counselor/Psychic, or at least have a sincere interest in providing sessions to others.
The program/corresponding manual will help you create a new income opportunity for yourself doing something truly exciting and fulfilling.
This program will also help you to avoid the devastating defeat, humiliation, potential legal issues, and utter failure that can go along with setting up and providing a service as a Professional Intuitive/Psychic. I've suffered (and recovered) through most of these disasters after 25 years of being in this career field, and working with thousands of clients. I've also seen so many other people fail miserably, usually by making mistakes that could have been avoided.
I will show you the detailed steps needed to provide a successful spiritual-based service. At the same time, this program is my way of helping you avoid all the hidden risks, dangers, and mistakes that can happen. This is about you sharpening your ability to help others AND creating a new lifestyle for yourself as a successful Intuitive Counselor/Psychic, Healer, or Life Coach.
Living a life full of passion and purpose
I personally walked away from a lucrative job so I could set up LifeLeap Institute and work directly with people through coaching, teaching, etc. Before LifeLeap, I had financial security, but my job wasn't rewarding. I had no sense of purpose and I wasn't doing what I felt like I was here to do. I was also incredibly bored.
Getting LifeLeap up and going was tough because I had little support. I had to figure out almost everything on my own. But WOW, has it been a journey (and it still is). At the end of an average day, I feel awesome about what I've done throughout the day. Helping others get the help they want and seeing people go through massive positive transformations - this never gets old. Even after 25 years, I still often get those "WOW" moments.
Using spiritual based abilities professionally also allows me to live in a way that reflects how I perceive reality - as a spiritual being having a human experience. It's trickier to do this when you spend all day in a matrix type career, like administration, sales, accounting, etc. It's not that these are bad careers - you just aren't allowed to live as a spiritual being at most of these jobs.
Providing a spiritual-based service also allows you to meet and connect with a specific type of person. In other words, if you a providing psychic-based sessions, the people you encounter in your work will likely have an expanded view of reality, even a deep spiritual awareness. Many of my closest friendships originated from the work I've done with people over the years, and I'm very appreciative of the connections I've made.
Whatever you motivations are - If using spiritual abilities, helping others, and living as a spiritual being are all important to you, this training program can help you make this happen. It's about helping to save you the trial and error you will experience if you do it all on your own.
Achieving Personal Freedom

With a smart phone and possibly just a laptop, you can work as a Professional Intuitive/Psychic. For providing in-person sessions, some students have rented out an office space, like a conference room, a small office at a healing center, chiropractor's office, etc. Many just choose to work over the phone. With Covid-19, this is even more the case now.
As long as you can find a quiet place to talk to your clients, you can live your life however you like - providing sessions over the phone can be just as successful, and even more successful, than in-person sessions.
You can take off across the world in an RV or stay in hotels. You can travel and work at the same time. I've traveled and spoken with clients in the comfort of my car before, while parked at a beautiful beach or outside of a coffee shop. If you are smart about it and willing to take action, you can work without a boss, choose who you work with, and you can make more than most people who are slaving at a 9-5 job that they hate.
You set your own rules and decide how you want to live. For many of us 'independent types,' this has a great appeal.
Financial Income Potential
Of course, you probably shouldn't work as an Intuitive or Psychic just for the money - your heart needs to be into it. At the same time, this type of consulting can be a substantial source of income.
Intuitive/Psychic Consulting is a respected profession that has survived for at least 4,707 years (ancient Egyptian times). Of course, we are teaching a more modernized and practical version of what they did back then.
I have students who support themselves completely (and their families) working solely as a Psychic/Intuitive. I also have students who provide services part time, and still keep their primary careers. The choice is complete up to you.
Even in an economic downturn, Intuitive/Psychics tend to do well when other businesses are failing and people are losing their jobs. As a Consultant, people will come to you for help with their lives, help that they need.
In the USA, the average Life Coach charges $200 an hour and up. Even working part time can create a major income source for someone who is willing to do what it takes to succeed.
The income potential is equivalent, and even greater than many other small businesses. The demand for good Coaches/Consultants has even increased during the pandemic, due to people needing human connections and being desperate for those with the skills to help.
Add psychic abilities into a life coaching service and you get an incredible edge over many Life Coaches - because you can see what's going on without your client having to tell you everything. Your clients will likely feel that you've connected with them more than a Life Coach ever could. This is exactly what clients tell me all the time - clients who have extensive experience working only with Life Coaches.
The story behind the training program
Since 2001, a great deal of time, energy, and finances have gone into creating this program and corresponding manual. You WILL NOT find a manual like this for sale in any bookstore. Even if a Professional Intuitive or Psychic knows some of what's in this program, they aren't likely to share it with anyone.
For years, I was hesitant to make this program available - it was available only to consultants who worked for me. In the wrong person's hands, the methods in these lessons could be used to take advantage of others. There is also the risk of others copying and using this knowledge without proper credit or compensation.
While it's taken a lifetime for me to acquire the program information, I do now think it should be available to the right people. When it comes to creating a career for you as an Intuitive/Psychic, Coach, or Healer, I'd like to make success in this field as easy as possible for you.
It's already working for others
As mentioned before, this exact program has been used as a professional training guide for dozens of successful Professional Psychics, several of which who currently work full-time, helping others using spiritual based abilities. These are mainly previous students and Psychics I have personally trained.
Several Life Coaches, Doctors, and Entrepreneurs have also used the methods in this program to compliment their careers, even without working as a Professional Psychic. Using intuition in a professional setting gives you an edge over others who do not have the ability or skill to do so, even if you sneak in the insights you get from your abilities.
The key individuals behind this program accumulatively completed over 45,000 Consultations. These are people that have already mastered the art of using intuition and healing abilities to help other people:

Of course there is me, Dale Sellers, founder of LifeLeap Institute. I've been fortunate enough to receive an enormous amount of hands-on professional training relating to metaphysics, personal development, and healing.
As a Professional Intuitive, I've worked with thousands of people facing critical life issues including celebrities, CEO’s, executives, and government officials. I've worked with police departments and corporations doing contract psychic work.
I've ran large teams of Psychics conducting detailed psychic analysis for police departments and corporations.
Along with providing individual sessions, for over 25 years, I've been in environments where I've screened, hired, trained, and troubleshooted challenges occurring with other Professional Psychics.
Basically, I've got what it takes to show you step-by-step how to create a life where you are working professionally as a Professional Intuitive/Psychic, Coach, or Healer.

The late Linda Georgian, internationally recognized Psychic. Created and hosted The Psychic Friends Network. Linda is still known to be the most televised Psychic in the world.
Linda coined the term “Psychic to the Stars” by attaining clients such as the F.B.I., John Walsh, Donald Trump, Larry King, Howard Stern, Regis Philbin, Cathy Lee Gifford, Bill Clinton, Wayne Dyer, Phil Donahue, Kenny Rogers, David Hasselhoff, Montel, Geraldo, Liza Minnelli, Ricki Lake, Jenny Jones, Linda Evans, Sting, Rip Taylor, Bob Hope, Pamela Anderson, Marilyn Manson, Jerry Springer, Suzanne Summers, and James Earl Jones.

Linda is recognized by many as one of the five most Famous Psychics in the world, EVER! Think about that for a moment!
Linda did get hit with an unfair "temporary" bad rap because of some things others did at the Psychic Friends Network, but than has nothing to do with her competence as a psychic, teacher, and healer. I trusted my own mother to see Linda for psychic advice, and Linda blew her away with shocking accuracy about a major life decision.
After Psychic Friends Network, along with providing psychic readings, Linda maintained a small Psychic Consulting Firm where she screened, hired, and trained other Professional Psychics.
This is how I met Linda and what led to us spending many months creating the first version of this Psychic Counseling Training Program.
Linda and I worked together so much at one point, that we actually became roommates (platonic) at a condo on Hollywood Beach, Florida. Our mornings would start with a brisk walk to the Hollywood Beach Boardwalk, and then it was off to our office in Ft. Lauderdale.
Working so closely with Linda really helped move me from an amateur to a professional level psychic. The wisdom she passed on to me allowed me to achieve the level where I felt confident working with CEOs, celebrities, police officers, and other types of achievers. The same wisdom she shared with me is what you are getting in this program.
When it comes to providing an Intuitive/Psychic session to a client, marketing yourself as a Psychic, dealing with the issues that come up in sessions - you really can't ask for a better, more experienced human being to learn from, anywhere.
Linda literally had 3 US presidents as clients - you just can't beat that! And Linda's life work is in the program, which I really consider to be priceless. What an awesome opportunity for you and me!

The late H.W. - Metaphysics/Psychic development researcher and teacher (identity hidden for privacy and security concerns). H.W. spent over 65 years teaching and providing psychic based sessions to clients. H.W. is from the old school - before there was a NEW AGE - and has been acquainted with some great teachers and healers like Katherine Kullman and Napoleon Hill.
H.W. created and operated a Psychic/metaphysical training program with the U.S Air Force, located on 5 different Air Force bases. This program was eventually converted to train civilians in Psychic/metaphysical development, which is how I was originally introduced to him. H.W. also had several thousand clients over the years, including many celebrities, business owners, politicians, and law enforcement agencies - Mind-blowing Intense Human Being!
To this day, H.W. is still the most powerful human being I've ever personally met or even heard of. When I was a new student, this man started by healing a recurring nasty injury I had on my leg. After only seconds of him focusing on it, the injury was gone forever - I watched it disappear with my own eyes.
I had the honor of learning under H.W. for over 15 years. I spent so much time with H.W. that his neighbors started to think I was his son. When I met him, he didn't need the money he charged for teaching me. He was already wealthy and taught out of passion and compassion. His wife was also a campaign manager for a major US presidential candidate, which I found fascinating!
Many of the metaphysical techniques in the Psychic Counseling Training Program are inspired by my work with H.W. For example, what do you do when you are coming up psychically flat with a client - when your abilities are NOT working? Or, how do you deal with being psychically flooded with too much information rushing at you, which can happen when a client is in the middle of crisis?
H.W. allowed me to develop a military-grade approach to using spiritual based abilities and helping others with these abilities, all available through this program.
As you can imagine, this program is a result of an enormous amount of trial and error – trial and error that you don't have to go through if you follow the guidelines we provide. This program gives you the opportunity to model the strategies of others who have already achieved success. This program is all about what works and what doesn't work.
This program is hundreds of pages, packed full of advanced-level consulting techniques. Throughout the program, you will find the CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE you need to know as a Professional Intuitive/Psychic:
Psychic Applications - learn how to provide a psychic-based session from beginning to end. Learn how to warm up, turn on your psychic awareness, and use your ability with more accuracy.
Troubleshooting methods when you run into situations where you are failing miserably, when you lose all psychic accuracy- techniques for resetting yourself so you can immediately regain your accuracy level.
Positioning Methods - how to frame yourself in your client's mind where you are someone who can be trusted, respected, and appreciated. Without this approach, you lose your ability to help your clients; and sessions can become degrading to you as a professional
How to get over the tough objections/complaints that clients will likely give you before a session, during a session, and after a session. Get specific methods for re-framing the experience to where everyone wins.
Learn the best approaches to deal with major issues like suicidal clients, clients facing romantic infidelity, and clients who want to connect with deceased loved ones. Not knowing exactly what to do in these scenarios can get lead to disaster, and in some situations you could be held liable.
Learn how to minimize your chances of getting sued by clients, having to give unfair refunds to clients, and learn how to deal with clients who are threatening, obsessed, or unstable. Bonus: learn the 2 critical steps you must take during each session to prevent Law Enforcement Officers from showing up to your home or office, harassing you, and possibly arresting you.
Although this program is primarily not a sales or marketing course, you will also learn methods for advertising, separating yourself from the competition, building a repeat client base, and more.
If you are in the medical field, a Life Coach, if you are a counselor, or if you are working with clients on the Intuitive/Psychic levels, the material in this program will allow you to gain an edge not found through other training methods.
The Psychic Counseling Training Program consist of 20 lessons, with each lesson given in 2-week increments. This program will take about 10 months to complete (but you can start using it right away). The program includes a private discussion area on our website for asking questions and sharing your experiences with other students.
Along with the lessons, I'm available for questions and suggestions. You will have lifetime access. We also provide occasional telephone conferences to help you as an Psychic Counselor.
And of course, this training includes a Certification Exam and a Professional Certificate which will allow you to provide sessions with the LifeLeap Seal of Approval.
What if you don't have what it takes?
Are any of these thoughts racing through your mind right now:
Am I really psychic enough to perform these types of sessions?
My own life is a mess right now - I'm single, don't have a lot of money, and I'm out of shape - how can I possibly help anyone else?
Am I wise enough to help anyone with a major life challenge - that's so much responsibility?
Am I too old to start a new goal like this, even though I've thought about doing something like this for years?
I'd love to work as a Professional Intuitive/Psychic, but the whole idea feels so overwhelming - I just don't know where to even start?
I would like to work as a Professional Healer of some type, but I feel guilty about taking money from someone for such a service (even though I have my own bills to pay)?
Marketing myself as an Intuitive/Psychic seem so overwhelming, and I have little confidence I can bring in enough clients to make it work?
I'm terrified of quitting my job and transitioning into working for myself?
If any of these things are going through your mind right now, STOP! Everything will be OK. Don't let any of these fears keep you from moving forward.
We already have these concerns and issues handled in this program. In fact, most of the concerns you might have won't even actually apply.
In fact, let me tell you a secret...
My psychic ability didn't really become that strong until I started providing sessions for others - when I went full force and worked with as many people as I could, my abilities took off, and haven't stopped soaring yet.
Of course, much of the work I did in the beginning was for free or at a discounted rate, but it didn't take long to where I was charging good rates and getting good results.
The point: your fears, doubts, concerns, negative thinking - don't let any of this stuff stop you. As part of the program, we will show you how to get through these issues. Plus, it's a lot easier than you probably realize.
Major Bonus: With this program, get one FREE hour of jump-start coaching with me personally
The coaching can be used for various purposes relating to this program:
* Troubleshoot any issues that you have: marketing, confidence issues, handling tough clients, issues getting started, organizing a personal step by step plan that is unique for your goals, etc. - I'm here to personally help you identify the problem and plan out a workable solution.

* After you get a basic knowledge of the program methods, you and I can run through some live practice sessions. I've found this to be a highly transformative, confidence building experience for many Consultants I have personally trained over the years. Here is an example:
You and I will get on the phone and run through some preparation work to get your ready for a session.
I have one of my personal clients come on the phone with us in a 3 way call - I've got a personal client list of over 5,000 clients - I will pick someone who is supportive and understands what's happening, but someone that you've never met or know nothing about.
You perform a real 'no pressure' psychic-based session, with me listening and coaching you through the steps.
In these types of scenarios, I like to create a psychic energy field - this will help to increase your psychic accuracy, making your first few sessions so much easier. his is a special metaphysical technique that will help to spiritually join you with the client, so you can easily sense what you need to on a psychic level. It makes the whole process virtually fail-safe.
After the session, we will get some constructive feedback from the client, and of course, I will give you some very helpful pointers, unique to your session.
This type of live practice session helps you to transition into working on your own with clients, as a professional. It takes so much of the stress and pressure away from those first sessions, giving you the confidence needed to launch forward, full-force .
* Additional coaching will be available for students who desire more personalized support.

This probably won't happen, but what if you have difficulties understanding the approaches outlined in the Psychic Counseling Training Program? What if you get stuck on any of the approaches offered? Great News - You have my personal guarantee I will do my best to help you through any challenges you face with the material of this program.
I'm happy to make suggestions on how to resolve issues and apply the training to your unique life circumstances.
The program is presented in a practical and easy-to-understand manner, but when you need help, I'm personally here for you.
Course Prerequisites & Details
The Psychic Counseling Training Program is only available to Active Students in our Life Mastery Program (sorry, but there are no exceptions to this prerequisite).
In case you not familiar with it, the LifeLeap Academy is our world-famous training program. Originally created from research obtained through a project with the US Air Force, the program is packed full with methods for achieving what you want in life: lasting and loving relationships, financial success, sharp intuition and other psychic based abilities, spiritual awareness, and more.
Lessons 1-10 of the LifeLeap Academy help you to prepare for the advanced methods in the Psychic Counseling Training Program.
The methods in the Psychic Counseling Training Program will be confusing until you compete lessons 1-10 in the LifeLeap Academy. So, we require the completion of these LifeLeap Academy lessons before a student can access the Psychic Counseling Training Program. Once you reach lesson 10 of the LifeLeap Academy, the Psychic Counseling Training Program will be available to you.
Get over and check out the details of the LifeLeap Academy now:

"Dale, again and again, not only is a dynamic speaker, but an amazingly accurate Intuitive. He is talented and compassionate. It is evident through his demonstrations, both private and public, that his source of perception is the higher power."

"Dale hit the nail on the head. He is precise and accurate."
"I had an unsolved case in a sealed envelope. Dale was able to pinpoint the crime and the suspects name. He has been correct with my personal readings."

"Dale keyed into the major changes going on in my life and business right now. He pointed out some potential problems I didn't realize and gave me solutions on which to focus."
"I was unaware of these potential problems and they very well could have cost me several thousand dollars. He went above and beyond what I expected from him and that is what made this consultation a sound investment."

"I was not sure what to expect. I was nervous and, truthfully, was afraid of being scammed. So many psychics I have seen on TV seem to have their heads in the clouds."
"By the way, the guarantee is real and there is no pressure involved. When I finally hung up after my reading, I felt better than I had in months. I have a clearer sense of direction and more insight into many issues I am facing in my life right now."

"Dale is truly in a class by himself. Not only was he able to zero in on what was bothering me, he got to the core of my problems without my telling him anything beforehand."
"Dale was able to give me more advice and guidance in 35 minutes than a myriad of counselors had over many years!"
"With Dale's insight and wisdom, I am able to face my future with optimism, strength and hope."

"After speaking with Dale I was amazed at how accurate and Intuitive he was."
"He is a compassionate man and motivated individual. I look forward to applying the exercises he has suggested in order to better myself."

"Each time we met, I received a great deal of information, direction and support that was very valuable to me in making decisions and moving forward in my life and business."
"The guarantee is real and just as stated on the web site. The quality of counseling service that you receive is worth every dime of the charged fee, and then some."

"When I first spoke with Dale, I was very skeptical and was very careful not to give him any information about why I was calling. To my surprise, without any conversation from me, he tuned into my problem and was quick to help me understand it."
"I was going through a divorce and I thought my future was uncertain. Dale was 100% accurate in his reading and everything worked out great because I followed his advice."
"The money and time that I spent was well worth it. I have used other famous clairvoyants (such as Sylvia Brown) and Dale was a lot better. Anytime that I have an issue about the future or present, I call Dale. He is the best clairvoyant that I have ever used. Way to go!!!!!"