Control Your Fear - Let It Be The Force That Guides You

When we fear something and allow our fears to continue, we attract more of that very thing into our lives.
We all do it at times - we have fears about what will happen in our life or the lives of others we care about. Maybe you worry sometimes about what the outcome of a romantic relationship will be; maybe you have big concerns about your career or financial situation; or maybe you have fears about sickness (in yourself or a loved one).
When these types of things occur, what happens when you try to control your fear?
While this is a normal everyday experience for most people, it doesn't have to be. In fact, when we remain fearful about a circumstance, we increase the chances of manifesting that exact circumstance into our own lives. Fear is not just a bad habit, it's a destructive force.
When we fear something and allow our fears to continue, we attract more of that very thing into our lives.
Just the other day, I saw a video of an experiment conducted at Princeton University's PEAR Project. This project was put together by the Dean Of Engineering at Princeton. In this experiment, a small robot was put on a tabletop. This robot was designing to travel in random locations (it wasn't remote controlled, etc). Participants in the experiment were able to "will" the robots to travel in specific directions using only their thoughts.
So in this controlled scientific experiment, without touching the robot, people were able to make the small machine come towards them by simply focusing on the robot. This is incredible to think about. But the deeper meaning of this is profound. In this experiment, and many others conducted by the best scientists throughout the world, it has been proven that when you focus on something, you attract that very thing to you - whether you want it or not!
Use Fear As A Signal For Action
Rather than dwelling in fear, rather than letting it continue day after day, use your fears to guide you to what steps need to be taken in your life. For example , if you have fears about money, rather than continuing to worry, decide what steps you need to take to get yourself in a better financial situation. It may be getting a better job, learning how to budget better, or it could be just a matter of teaching yourself how to think more positively.
As you have fears, rather than letting them build, rather than feeding them, take action in every area of your life to rise above them - the physical area of your life, the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual.
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy."
Dale Carnegie World renown author and lecturer
When fear is there, don't just settle for it, take action to get the results you really want. Of course, what actions you need to take will vary depending on what fears you have in your own life. For example, to heal the fear surrounding a relationship challenge, you may need to spend more time communicating in the relationship and come up with an action plan to improve the situation.
When overwhelmed with fear, knowing what to do can sometimes be the tricky part. The important thing to remember is to take advantage of the resources available to you. This may be a matter of buying some books at the local bookstore to educate yourself about your area of concern. It could be a matter of making that appointment with the doctor, the financial adviser, the attorney, or the nutritionist. learning to control your fear is possible, and not even that difficult, but you may need some help.
If you are stuck at what steps you need to take, I encourage you to see the details of my Psychic Counseling Service. I've helped thousands of people discover the best path to take through this powerful service. Regardless of what you do, I encourage you to take some type of action. Make a more conscious choice today to create the life you deserve with relationships, your health, wealth and happiness.