Control Your Thoughts - Take Ownership Of Your Life

Stop renting the space in your head out to unproductive thinking - once you clean up your thinking up, your life will change for the better!
Would you ever think of putting a harmful substance like water in the gas tank of your car? No, of course you wouldn't, not in your "right mind."
At the same time, most of us, at least occasionally, allow negative and unproductive thoughts to enter the vehicles of our minds.
This "bad habit" seems like a part of our culture these days. Not only do we let the harmful thoughts into our minds, we often let them hang out as long as they want to, taking up space and keeping all of the good thoughts out.
Our thinking has a direct impact in the creation of our own reality.
Every major religion has been preaching this since the beginning of time. Every personal development organization repeats it over and over until we don't want to hear it anymore.
Now, the fact that our thoughts influences our realty is even an empirically proven scientific fact (Princeton University has a great deal to say about the subject from all of their research).
Here are some things that you can do today to take advantage of your power to create what you want in life:
Start monitoring yourself more - if you don't do it already, maybe start off gradually - eventually work up to seeing an unwanted thought as you would see a stranger in your house (he's not suppose to be there - he has to go)
Play the higher thought game - change the "can'ts" into "cans," change the "shouldn'ts" into "wills," and change the "don't haves" into "already haves"
Instead of worrying, dwelling and regretting, think about what you would like to experience as if it was "already happening" - see yourself there - and focus on what you have to do to make it all happen
Keep up a stronger guard against the negative and unproductive thoughts of others - this is often the way that people try to control us for their own personal gain
Start reading more positive, uplifting, inspiring books and go to the same kind of movies - These are great alternatives to watching the news, football at the sports bars, and reading dependency-infested love novels
It"s time to take control of your thinking to take control of your life. Take advantage of the benefits: enjoy a greater level of personal energy, strengthen your immune system, experience a better sense of peace, flow through your day more smoothly, and accomplish your goals more easily.